Center for Faculty Excellence

Center for Faculty Excellence

About the Center

The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) provides programs, services, and opportunities to support USMA faculty members' continued growth as educators, scholars, and leaders.

CFE programs and events include the Master Teacher Program, Teaching Improvement Presentations, Faculty Development Workshops, Project Management Professional Introductory Course, Issues in Higher Education Book Club, and more.

CFE Programs

The MTP is anchored in the belief that teaching and learning are inextricably linked — that faculty members are learners as well as teachers, and students are teachers as well as learners. Hence, the program is designed to be a learning experience for everyone involved.  The primary goal of this interdisciplinary, two-year program is to help teachers develop the competencies and skills required to educate and inspire cadets. Through monthly discussion sessions, reflective writing, teaching workshops, and a capstone project, the program provides participants with:

  • a framework for planning, implementing, and reflecting on teaching and learning activities
  • the ability to review and assess one's own teaching and to revise it appropriately
  • techniques for helping learners acquire important discipline-related skills and knowledge
  • the ability to assess students’ learning
  • advice on how to create a community of learners in their classrooms

Enrollment for the MTP begins every August during reorganization week.. Contact the CFE for more information.

The Project Management Professional (PMP) Introductory Course is offered annually from January through the first week of March. This is a 15-lesson course which traditionally meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1630 to 1730 remotely.  It is open to all individuals from the Staff, Faculty, and Community members across West Point, USNA, USAFA, USCGA, USMMA and Service Members or GS employees with a DoD CAC interested in pursuing the PMP credential.

The Exploring Issues in Higher Education Book Club is for any faculty or staff member of who is interested in exploring a wide variety of topics in higher education. The club meets one to two times per semester to discuss the chosen book.

The world of an academic faculty member has its own set of language and expectations, both explicit and tacit. USMA maintains a membership in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) to provide faculty with additional opportunities to learn and grow. NCFDD is a consortium of more than 240 top colleges and universities who are committed to seeing their faculty grow and thrive. NCFDD membership includes online self-paced webinars for strengthening your writing and communication skills, affinity groups for keeping yourself on task and accountable, and opportunities for further intensive faculty development. Signing up for NCFDD membership is free with your email account and only takes a few minutes; sign up here. For more information on the benefits of membership, take a look at this pamphlet:  NCFDD Benefits.pdf.

CFE Events

Visit the CFE Calendar of Events

CFE Leadership


Annual Awards for Excellence

Apgar Award for Excellence in Teaching

This award (donated by The Honorable Mahlon Apgar, IV, former Assistant Secretary of the Army) was established to recognize, encourage, and reward faculty members at the Academy by supporting teaching projects that improve cadet learning. For more information about for this award, please visit the CFE Sharepoint.

Apgar Award Recipients

2023: COL Todd Woodruff, Dr. Lissa Young, MAJ Zachary Guyton, Dr. Lolita Burrell

2022: MAJ Missy Moorehouse, Dr. Patrick Baker, Ms. Kimberly Quell, COL Mindy Kimball

2021: MAJ Jonathon Morgan, MAJ Bryan Williams

2020: COL Andrew Hagemaster, MAJ John Dibble, CPT Tara Middlebrooks, Dr. Beth Wetzler

2019: MAJ Cathleen Barker, MAJ Jacob Capps, MAJ Gabriel Lucero, COL Corey Gerving 

2018: MAJ Bond, MAJ Britt, MAJ Eljdid, MAJ Eslinger, and Dr Cornwell 

2017: MAJ John Spencer, CPT Jake Miraldi, SFC William Rothrock 

2016: LTC Christopher Korpela, LTC Mike Saxon 

2016: LTC Christopher Korpela, LTC Mike Saxon 

2015: MAJ Jason Garneau, Mr. Darring Griffin, Dr. Sherry Venere

2014: MAJ Matthew Cavanaugh

2013: MAJ Nathaniel Davis,MAJ Patrick Heim

2012: MAJ Katie Matthews, MAJ Andrew Pfluger

2011: MAJ Kent Park, MAJ Lee Robinson

2010: MAJ Aram Donigian, Mr. Jeff Weiss, MAJ Adam Chalmers, LTC Steven Hart

2009: MAJ Sam Abbott-McCune

2008: MAJ Victoria Campbell

2007: MAJ Raymond Kimball

2006: Dr. Gary Solis

2005: MAJ Christina Schweiss

2004: COL Scott Hampton, MAJ Jamie Efaw, MAJ Silas Martinez, MAJ Toya Davis, MAJ Samantha Breton, Dr. Peter Hanlon

2003: MAJ Reid Sawyer

2002: LTC Edward Naessens, Mr. Wayne Schepens, LTC Dan Ragsdale, COL Don Welch

2001: LTC Jerry Schumacher

2000: Dr. Morten Ender, MAJ Janet Chapman, MAJ Susan Lee-Kratz, Dr. Susan Tendy, Dr. Larry Butler, Mr. Lynn Fielitz

1999: MAJ William Methany

1998: Dr. Gregory Gassner

1997: CAPT. Vincent J. Tedesco III

1996: LTC Charles G. Powell

Dean's Awards for Teaching Excellence

These awards recognize outstanding contributions to teaching by West Point faculty members.  For more information about these awards, please visit the CFE Sharepoint.



Dean’s Early Career Award (< 6 years) for Teaching Excellence Recipients 

2023: MAJ Hannah Smith, Department of Social Sciences

2022: Dr. Kevin McMullen, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering  

2021: MAJ Logan Phillips, Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering

2020: MAJ James C. Bowen, Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering

2018: MAJ Scott Parsons, Department of English and Philosophy

2017: MAJ Steven Ferenzi, Department of Military Instruction

2016: MAJ Brodie Hoyer, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

2015: MAJ Scott Katalenich, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering


Dean’s Mid-Career Award (6 to 15 years) Teaching Excellence Recipients

2023: COL Ben Wallen, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering

2021: Dr. Brock Barry, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering and Dr Jeffry Coelho, Department of Physical Education

2018: Dr. Martha Gallagher, Department of Foreign Languages

2017: Dr. David Chris Arney, Department of Mathematics

2015: Dr. Ruth Beitler, Department of Social Sciences


Dean’s Career Award for Distinguished (> 15 years) Teaching Excellence Recipients

2023: Dr. Morten Ender, Department of Behavioral Science and Leadership, and Dr. Kenny McDonald, Department of Systems Engineering

2022: Dr. Scott Silverstone, Department of Social Sciences

2020: Dr. Clifford Rogers, Department of History

2016: Dr. Robert Tully, Department of English and Philosophy

Dean's Awards for Scholarship Excellence

These awards recognizes outstanding contributions to scholarship by West Point faculty members. For more information about these awards, please visit the CFE Sharepoint.


Dean’s Early Career Award (<6 years) for Scholarship Excellence Recipients

2023: Dr. F. Todd Davidson, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

2022: Dr. Ryan Limbocker, Department of Chemistry and Life Science

2021: LTC Andrew Pfluger, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering

2020: Dr. James Cornwell, Department of Behavioral Science and Leadership

2019: Dr. Jennifer Hewit, Department of Physical Education

2018: MAJ Karoline M. Hood, Department of Mathematics

2017: Dr. Gregory Freisinger, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

2016: MAJ Patrick Sullivan, Department of Mathematics


Dean’s  Mid-Career Award (6 to 15 years) for Scholarship Excellence Recipients

2023: Col Joseph Lindquist, Department of Mathematics

2021: Dr. Ozer Arnas, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, and Dr. Morton Ender, Department of Behavioral Science and Leadership

2020: Dr. Ted Hromadka, Department of Mathematics

2019: Dr. Aaron St. Leger, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

2018: COL Michael J. Benson, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering


Dean’s  Career Award (> 15 years) for Distinguished Scholarship Excellence Recipients

2023: Dr. Michael Matthews, Department of Behavioral Science and Leadership

2022: Dr. Elizabeth Samet, Department of English and Philosophy

Dean's Awards for Service and Development 

These awards recognize outstanding contributions to service and development by West Point faculty members. For more information about these awards, please visit the CFE Sharepoint.


Dean’s Award (< 6 years) for Service and Cadet Development Recipients

2023: MAJ Kathryn Hedgecock, Department of Social Sciences

2022: CPT(P) Tara Middlebrooks, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership

2021: LTC Bradley McCoy, Department of Civil andMechanical Engineering

2020: Dr. Kayla Blyman, Department of Mathematics

2019: Dr. Colleen Eils, West Point Writing Program

2018: MAJ Yoon G. Dunham, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership

2017: COL Brad Wambeke, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering) and COL Daniel McCarthy, Department of Systems Engineering

2016: MAJ John Belanger, Department of Chemistry and Life Sciences


Dean’s  Career Award (> 6 years) for Distinguished Service and Faculty Development Recipients

2023: Dr. Led Klosky, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

2022: Dr. Greta Bucher, Department of History

2021: COL Tania Chacho, Department of Social Sciences, and Dr. Gunner Tamm, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

2020: Dr. Thomas Sherlock, Department of Social Sciences

2019: Dr. Scott Silverstone, Department of Social Sciences

2018: COL Liam S. Collins, Department of Military Instruction

Dean’s Awards for Diversity Excellence

The Dean’s Award for Diversity Excellence recognizes outstanding contributions to diversity and inclusion by any West Point faculty/staff member(s). For more information about these awards, please visit the CFE Sharepoint.


Dean’s Early Career Award (First Tour/Asst. Professor) for Diversity Excellence Recipients

2023: Dr. Isabella Sanders, Department of Systems Engineering

2022: LTC Andrea Peters, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership


Dean’s Career Award (Second Tour/Assoc. Professor) for Diversity Excellence Recipients

2023: Prof. Erika Rovira, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership

2022: Dr. Rachel M.A. Yon, Department of Social Sciences


The purpose of the Adam Talent Fund is to promote teaching projects that improve cadet learning through the use of technology.  Made possible by the George F. Adam Endowment (donated by Mr. and Mrs. George Adam, Class of ’68) in support of the Center for Faculty Excellence at West Point, Adam Talent Fund Grants support innovation in teaching by assisting faculty in the acquisition of technology for use in the classroom and/or by providing support to faculty for conference presentations related to teaching with technology.  For more information about this grant, please visit the CFE Sharepoint.


Suggested Reading

Come visit the CFE to browse and/or borrow our favorite books about teaching and learning.

  • Bain, K. (2004). What the Best College Teachers Do. Harvard University Press.
  • Bean, J. (2001). Engaging Ideas. Jossey-Bass.
  • Brown, P., Roediger, H., McDaniel, D. (2014).  Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Harvard University Press.
  • Carey, B. (2014). How We Learn. Random House.
  • Chism, N. (2007). Peer Review of Teaching: A Sourcebook. Anker.
  • Lang, J. (2016).  Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning. Jossey Bass.
  • Lang, J. (2020). Distracted: Why Students Can't Focus and What You Can Do About It.  Basic Books.
  • Lukianoff, G. and Haidt, J. (2018). The Coddling of the American Mind. Penguin.
  • Richmond, A., Boysen, G., & Gurung, R. (2022). An Evidence-based Guide to College and University Teaching. Routledge.
  • Stevens, D. & Levi, A. (2013). Introduction to Rubrics. Stylus.
  • Twenge, J. (2017).  iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids and Are Growing Up Less Rebellios, More Tolerant, Less Happy and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood. Atria.
  • ​​​​​Willingham, D. (2021). Why Don't Students Like School? Jossey-Bass.