Improve your leadership with spiritual readiness

Spiritual readiness is the development of the personal qualities needed to sustain a person in times of stress, hardship, and tragedy. In military terms, it's the ability to "drive on" no matter life’s circumstances. In practical terms, it's the ability to have more resources at work FOR you on the inside than circumstances at work AGAINST you on the outside. That's where spirituality, and in particular, the timeless strength of religion comes in. Science and research have shown that the protective factors gained by spiritual readiness are identifiable, significant, and personally developmental. You can start this process by identifying your purpose, path, practices, and people that can aid in this vital journey.

From its birth, our national heritage has been firmly founded on religious freedom. The existence and support for freedom of religion is guaranteed in the First Amendment to our Constitution. The presence of chaplains in the ranks of the military since 1775 is a testimony to the central role that faith has, is, and will continue to play in helping soldiers and their damilies deal with the deepest needs of their lives and the challenges of military service.

"Up-Armor" yourself and access the benefits of spiritual readiness by intentionally developing this domain of your life. I hope you will take advantage of all West Point offers to build your spiritual core so you will have the inner strength to lead from a strong soul and spirit! 


USMA Chaplain (COL) David Bowlus
(845) 938-3316

Explore religious services at West Point

USCC chaplains