Electrical Engineering Major

Electrical Engineering Major

Electrical Engineering


The electrical engineering major is devoted to the idea of design-simulate-build-test. Majors have the necessary skills to see projects through from requirements to working devices that meet real needs for customers.

Offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Electrical engineers use the principles of physics, mathematics, and the engineering sciences to develop new and innovative applications of electronics. Regardless of branch, officers will surely be involved with electronic systems in military hardware. Cadets who major in electrical engineering develop a mastery of the fundamental elements of circuit theory, electromagnetic fields and waves, electronics, digital computer logic, and electromechanical energy conversion. They then study in greater depth subjects selected from the areas of robotics, communications, opto-electronics, alternative energy, and cyber engineering. The program emphasizes practical design, hands-on laboratory and computer experience, teamwork, and interdisciplinary projects. The program additionally provides a sound basis for graduate schooling in electrical engineering.

Cadet studies in Electrical Engineering consist of a base of fundamental skills and knowledge followed by an opportunity to focus on a particular technology-based depth of study. The depth options are:

  • Alternative Energy
  • Communications
  • Cyber Engineering
  • Opto-electronics
  • Robotics

Electrical engineering majors have a lab requirement component. 

This major offers an honors track. 


Our US News rank in Best Colleges 2020:

  • Top Public School #2
  • Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs #4 (where doctorate is not offered)

Our Forbes rank in America's Best Colleges 2019:

  • U.S. Military Academy #32
  • Public #4


If you are a cadet interested in Electrical Engineering, contact any instructor in the EECS Department to be directed to an Academic Counselor.

Meet the EECS faculty.

View laboratory and fabrication facilities.

To learn more about this area of study, visit the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Required Courses

  • EE302 Intro to Electrical Engineering
  • EE360 Digital Logic w/Embedded Systems 
  • EE362 Intro to Electronics
  • EE375 Computer Architecture w/Microcontrollers
  • EE377 Electric Power Engineering
  • EE381 Signals and Systems
  • EE383 Electromagnetic Fields
  • EE400 EE Professional Considerations
  • XE401 Integrative System Design I
  • XE402 Integrative System Design II
  • EE462 Electronic Design
  • MA205 Calculus II
  • MA364 Engineering Math 
  • MC311 Thermal-Fluid Systems - I

Depth and/or Electives

  • XE442 Alternative Energy Engineering
  • XE472 Dynamic Modeling & Control
  • XE475 Mechatronics
  • XE492 Disruptive Innovations
  • EE477 Digital Communication Systems
  • EE480 Optical Fiber Communications
  • EE482 Wireless Communication System Engineering
  • EE483 Photonics Engineering
  • EE485 Visiting Professor’s Course
  • EE486 Solid-State Electronics
  • EE487 Embedded Systems Development
  • EE489 Advanced Individual Study
  • CY300 Programming Fundamentals
  • CY350 Network Engineering & Management
  • CY450 Cyber Security Engineering
  • IT393 Database Systems

To learn more, view the full Electrical Engineering Major Curriculum.

Outside the classroom, many electrical engineering majors participate in clubs and activities that are great fun and professionally rewarding.  A few examples include: the Amateur Radio Club and the Electronic Experimenters' Group – which provides kits, parts, tools, and faculty help, at no charge, for cadets who are interested in building their own electronic equipment. Cadets in this major have the opportunity to apply for a summer Academic Individual Advanced Development (AIAD) program, USMA-run academic enrichment experience, to apply their knowledge in research and operational settings at locations throughout the world, normally for four to seven-week periods.. 

Honor Societies:

Eta Kappa Nu - Iota Phi Chapter - Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society
Upsilon Pi Epsilon - International Honor Society for the Computing and Information Disciplines
Golden Key - International Honour Society
Phi Kappa Phi - Oldest and Largest Collegiate Honor Society

To learn more about enrichment in this area of study, visit the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science or the Cyber Research Center and the Photonics Research Center.

Electrical Engineering Program Educational Objectives, Student Outcomes, and Enrollment Data  

Our Electrical Engineering Program is devoted to the idea of design-simulate-build-test. Cadets graduating the program have the necessary skills to see projects through from requirements to working devices that meet real needs for customers. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in electrical engineering at the United States Military Academy is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Electrical Engineering Programs Criteria. 

We design and change the Electrical Engineering program by first considering, along with our program constituents, what our graduates should be able to do five to seven years after completing the program, combining their academic learning with later experience. This produces our objectives, which we adjust every several years, again with the help of constituents.  


Program Educational Objectives 

  • Five to seven years after graduation, cadets who major in Electrical Engineering will have been successful Army officers who have:  

  • Applied their engineering, management, and leadership skills in service of their country.  

  • Demonstrated intellectual growth through self-study, continuing education, and professional development in the Army.  

  • Provided technical leadership and disciplinary knowledge as Army Officers with a broad understanding of the potential ethical and societal impacts of technology.  

  • Applied engineering methodology and creativity to Army problems while effectively communicating across mediums and cultures.  

In order to reach these objectives, which are rather abstract, we make day-to-day decisions about courses and lessons using desired outcomes. These list the things our cadets should be able to do upon graduation. We consider adjustments to outcomes each year when program assessment results are reviewed.  


Student Outcomes 

  • Upon graduation, cadets who major in Electrical Engineering can:  

  • Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. 

  • Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. 

  • Communicate effectively with a range of audiences. 

  • Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts. 

  • Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives. 

  • Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions. 

  • Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. 


Initial Enrollment and Graduation Data 


*Numbers reflect graduates from both the Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering with Honors majors